


The Austin Doll Collectors Society is an organization of antique, vintage, and modern doll collectors, dealers, and artisans. We meet on the second Sunday of each month and our meetings are fun and educational. We begin with refreshments and socializing, and, following our brief business meeting, there is a special doll-related program and "show and tell." The Austin Doll Collectors Society is a nonprofit organization and is a member of the United Federation of Doll Clubs.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Polish Pride

Member Sylvia McDonald has appeared a number of times on this blog, sharing some of her extensive collection of international dolls. Recently, Sylvia generously donated this set of beautiful Polish historical dolls to the Polish Heritage Center in Panna Maria, Texas, the site of the first Polish settlement in the United States, dating from 1854. The dolls themselves were handmade in Krakow, Poland.

This doll represents Jan III Sobieski. He was King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania from 1674 until his death in 1696.

This is his queen consort Marie Casimire Louise de La Grange d'Arquien, known in Poland as Maria Kazimiera d’Arquien. She was the daughter of a French nobleman and had come to Poland as a child to serve as a lady in waiting to Queen Marie Louise Gonzaga. The royal couple were deeply in love and are famous for their intimate letters. The king referred to her by the pet name "Marysieńka".

This doll portrays King Stanislaw August Poniatowski dressed for his coronation, which took place on November 25, 1764. He introduced reforms that would have converted the throne into a constitutional monarchy, but was forced to abdicate by Russia, Prussia, and Austria before the reforms could be implemented. The last king of Poland, he died in 1798.

This figure represents King Stephen Báthory, who became king of Poland in 1576.

This lovely lady is Queen Barbara Radziwill, who was considered one of the most beautiful women in Europe.  She married King Sigismund II August in 1547, but there was substantial opposition to the marriage by many in the Polish nobility and she was not crowned queen until December 7, 1550.  She died on May 8, 1551.


  1. I think his coronation date might be wrong??? "This doll portrays King Stanislaw August Poniatowski dressed for his coronation, which took place on November 25, 1974. He introduced reforms that would have converted the throne into a constitutional monarchy, but was forced to abdicate by Russia, Prussia, and Austria before the reforms could be implemented. The last king of Poland, he died in 1798."

  2. Barbora Radvilaitė was from the Radwila's family of Lithuanian nobles, she became the great love of the King of Poland Sigismund II August.
    Greetings from Lithuania!
